
AWR-386-W Establishing Collaborative Case Management Services



Full course description

AWR-386-W:  Establishing Collaborative Case Management Services


This awareness-level course will provide the learner with an overview of how collaborative case management is an effective tool to support survivors’ recovery after a disaster strikes.

By the end of the Awareness Level training, all learners will be able to fulfill the following learning goals:

  • The learner will be able to define a disaster-caused unmet need.
  • Given a description of the disaster recovery planning process and corresponding case studies, the learner will identify the overall objective of disaster case management and the resources and services needed to achieve case closure.
  • Given a description of FEMA’s Disaster Case Management Program, the learner will identify the key governmental and non-governmental agencies providing case management services for survivors to address unmet needs resulting from the disaster.
  • Given a resource by the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, the learner will identify the roles and capabilities of long-term recovery committees active in the participants’ local community to facilitate and support collaborative case management.
  • Given details from FEMA’s case management toolbox, the learner will identify resources to support the DCM application.
  • Based on FEMA’s Private Identifiable Information (PII) Management, the learner will identify best practices for collecting, sharing, and handling PII from federal and non-federal sources.


This project is supported by Cooperative Agreements EMW-2020-CA-00064, EMW-2021-CA-00092, EMW-2021-CA-00093, EMW-2022-CA-00037, and EMW-2023-GG019446 administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Points of view or opinions expressed in this document are those of the author and do not represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

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